Schmidt Consulting Group

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Why Women Build Differently | A Conversation with Margaret Weniger

The Keys to Success for Women EntrepreneursMargaret Winegar has dedicated her career to helping individuals and organizations find success.In this inspiring conversation, she discusses women entrepreneurs' challenges when funding their businesses, from lack of representation in venture capital to stereotypes attached to their endeavors.Through honest and meaningful dialogue, get empowered by learning how to build a business with internal foundations, develop your strengths, and handle tasks without burning out.Don't miss this invaluable insight into the unique perspective of female founders – listen now!Connect with Margaret:Insta/TikTok Handle - @risingtidepodcastWebsite - margaretweniger.comFollow/Connect on LinkedIn - Tide Podcast - (it's also available on any primary podcast provider) Key Takeaways:

  • Increase awareness and support for female founders and women in business.
  • Advocate for more representation of women in decision-making roles in venture capital.
  • Promote alternative funding models that align with women's goals for sustainability.
  • Challenge the perception that women's businesses are niche and highlight their value and impact.
  • Address biases and barriers that prevent women from accessing funding and resources.
  • Build internal foundations and understand personal talents and values
  • Seek out mentors who understand and value unique experiences and perspectives
  • Challenge societal expectations and stereotypes
  • Intentionally select mentors and advisors who align with personal goals
  • Network with professionals and seek out like-minded mentors
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses and build a team to complement them
  • Reflect on your identity and how it aligns with societal expectations
  • Integrate different aspects of your life and avoid compartmentalization
  • Identify and prioritize the dimensions of life that are most important to you
  • Separate yourself from job titles and focus on describing what you do
  • Build a network of mentors and seek their guidance
  • Set clear long-term goals and communicate them to your support system
  • Practice mental contrasting to stay focused on your goals
  • Acknowledge and navigate the unique challenges faced by female founders
  • Work smarter, not harder, and delegate tasks to avoid burnout