Schmidt List Podcast
Sharing the secrets of successful entrepreneurs and leaders Since 2017
The Future of E-Commerce with Darin Lynch
“You need to network genuinely so that you know what\'s going on out there you have people that you can help that then can also help you when you need it.”
An Entrepreneur\'s Journey with Jennifer Zick
“I don\'t believe in a separate sales and marketing organizations. I believe in a revenue organization and that the only magic that actually matters is revenue and so everything that falls behind that flows behind that are tactics and activities that are levers to adjust in order to drive revenue.”
An Entrepreneur\'s Journey with Jennifer Zick
“I don\'t believe in a separate sales and marketing organizations. I believe in a revenue organization and that the only magic that actually matters is revenue and so everything that falls behind that flows behind that are tactics and activities that are levers to adjust in order to drive revenue.”