Schmidt List Podcast
Sharing the secrets of successful entrepreneurs and leaders Since 2017
Balancing Teams and Technology with Catherine Murphy
“I really enjoy learning and I like to bring people together and so a lot of those things there\'s kind of these elements of relationship-building. I\'m really getting things done is about relationship building and making sure that you\'ve got the right smart people working together to get things done. You can sort of outline the best project plan and outline this great vision and do your best to motivate to deadlines but really it\'s the power of every single one of the people on that project plan that makes the project successful.”
Creating Leadership Breakthroughs with Team Dynamics
“We\'re all in developmentally different places in relationship to our own gender our own race on sexuality and the extent to which we have awareness that those things impact our time our work.”
Leadership vs Management with Jaime Taets
“We get the title and that makes us a leader and so now we can be a leader forever. But we\'re not really done because every situation is different what we\'re going to deal with is different. So that\'s why I talk about leaders are learners it\'s because you constantly have to be learning from other people.”
Building a Winning Team with Thad Levine
“Gone are the days were a manager simply just dictates what is to be done and then sets the rank-and-file to the tasks of the day. I think today to really connect to the to the individuals, you need to not only motivate their minds but also connect to their hearts.”