Schmidt List Podcast
Sharing the secrets of successful entrepreneurs and leaders Since 2017
Experiential Marketing with Jim Audette
“The analog experience stuff is a reaction to the fact that we are now so digitized and so internalized. It oftentimes kind of so alone with all this stuff. That you\'ll defeat would be all that\'s just what people going to become I think what\'s happening is people actually really embracing experience more because they want to get out of that track.”
The Passion Economy with Emily Pritchard
“Social is here is part of your business and has an impact on your business that\'s beyond marketing when you think about research and development and surveying your audiences all the way to like customer care and how we\'re listening to our consumers. So, how are we infiltrated that into all of our business practices? And how is social media making an impact there?”
Social (Good) Media with Ryan Peña
“I want people to think about like what are they passionate about in the work that they do and how are they going to share that... with other people in a way that hasn\'t been done before because if they can do that then they\'re going to break through the noise.”
An Entrepreneur\'s Journey with Jennifer Zick
“I don\'t believe in a separate sales and marketing organizations. I believe in a revenue organization and that the only magic that actually matters is revenue and so everything that falls behind that flows behind that are tactics and activities that are levers to adjust in order to drive revenue.”